The use of chainsaws or any other power tools is restricted to between the hours of 9am and 8.00pm.
Please note:- it may be necessary for caretakers and contractors to start using mowers or power equipment prior to the 9:00am noise restriction for maintenance purposes.
Generators must be turned off between 10.00pm and 9.00am.
Loud and disturbing noise is not permitted between the hours of 11pm and 9am.
We ask that all park users be mindful of the impact that noise may have on the quiet enjoyment of others. Loud or unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated at ANY time.
All dogs must be kept on a lead when outside unless in a designated lead free area.
The park speed limit is 10 km per hour. All other Victorian Road Traffic Rules and regulations apply.
Fires are only permitted in a designated fire pit. All Country Fire Authority regulations apply.
On days of heightened fire danger, fires may not be permitted, at the Caretakers discretion. Please refer to the caretakers if in doubt.
Rubbish including garden waste must only be deposited in the designated bins. Waste generated from outside of the recreation reserve may not be placed in the bins.
The TV room is available from 9 am to 11pm. The room may be closed at times for other community uses.
A maximum of three vehicles are permitted on any site. Any extra vehicle must be parked at the direction of the caretaker or a member of the Committee of Management. At no time shall any vehicle be parked in a way that impedes access to any roadway, gate or other site.
Campers are not permitted to sleep in any motor vehicle unless the vehicle is specifically designed for that purpose.
Campers must only camp in the area directed to by the caretaker or a member of the Committee of Management.
Please note: Any loud or unacceptable behavior may result in you being asked to leave the park immediately.
With Thanks, Committee of Management , Molesworth Recreation Reserve.